ANROWS, July 5th 2021 Adolescence is a time where ideas and beliefs about relationships, including gender roles and sex, are being developed. Sexual and consent education occurs through various pathways including schools, youth services, the media, families and parenting, and peers and pornography. Evidence shows that pornography impacts knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about sex, intimacy...
More than babies and bodies, young people want 21st Century sex education
Commissioner for Children and Young People, Jun 6, 2021 Commissioner Helen Connolly has today released Sex Education in South Australia – a report on the relevance of the sex education being taught to children and young people across the State. The report examines whether the relationships and sexual health education currently being delivered to students in South Australia’s public and...
New Puberty fact sheet from SHINE SA
SHINE SA, March 2021
SHINE SA has completely revised and updated its resources on puberty to make a brand new factsheet.
This factsheet uses inclusive language, making it suitable for people across the spectrum of sex, gender, and sexual orientation.
Read factsheet online here
Download as PDF here
Not as simple as ‘no means no’: what young people need to know about consent
The Conversation, Feb. 23, 2021 A recent petition circulated by Sydney school girl Chanel Contos called for schools to provide better education on consent, and to do so much earlier. The term “consent” is often associated with sex, but it’s much broader than that. It relates to permission and how to show respect for ourselves and for other people. Consent should therefore be addressed in an age...
Opinion: Relationships & sex education now mandatory in English schools – Australia should do the same
Jacqueline Hendriks,The Conversation, September 9, 2020 6.07am AEST Relationships and sex education became compulsory throughout schools in England at the beginning of September 2020. In primary schools the course will focus on relationships, while secondary schools will include topics such as managing intimate relationships, consent and online behaviour. Schools — including government...
Free workshop series on Sexuality and Intellectual Disability
South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability, July 2020 Sexuality and Relationships is an essential area of learning for people with an intellectual disability. Adults with intellectual disability say they want to learn together in their own right. Parents and carers can make a big difference in small ways by improving their own knowledge and using supportive approaches. These interactive...