Roxana Aguilar Alonso, Kerryann Walsh, Lisa van Leent & Claire Moran (2023) School-based relationships and sexuality education programmes in primary schools: contexts, mechanisms and outcomes, Sex Education, DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2023.2167816 Abstract: This paper presents findings from a literature review on relationships and sexuality education for primary (elementary) school programme...
Australian HIV Peer Support Standards
National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA), 2020 The HIV Peer Support Standards, developed by the National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPHWA), is a welcomed resource and addresses a long standing gap in policy and program planning of services for people living with HIV. The evidence-informed standards provide a step-by-step guide that create a framework for...
How Heteronormative Paradigms Ostracize Queer Populations in Intimate Partner Violence Research
Huffpost Queer Voices Blog, 02/09/2016 Today, most research investigating IPV and other forms of sexual and partner violence focuses on heterosexual women as victims and heterosexual men as perpetrators, a notion that is justifiable in the realms of empirical evidence. However, when focusing on development, implementation and evaluation of effective intervention strategies to address IPV, current...
HIV Programs for Sex Workers: Lessons & Challenges for Developing & Delivering Programs
PLOS Medicine, Published: June 16, 2015 There is evidence that HIV prevention programs for sex workers, especially female sex workers, are cost-effective in several contexts, including many western countries, Thailand, India, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, and Zimbabwe. Quote: “Studies of sources of new infections and HIV transmission dynamics suggest that sex work contributes...