ASHM, February 6, 2023 The BBVs and STIs in Antenatal Care booklet underwent a major review in 2022, with the inclusion of an additional section on syphilis – of vital importance given the increasing cases in women of childbearing age, and the re-emergence of congenital syphilis. This resource is for primary health care professionals providing antenatal care including nurses, midwives, general...
Advanced HIV Nursing Webinar: Pregnancy And Breastfeeding
ASHM, June 2022 SHORT SYNOPSIS This 1-hour webinar will focus on strategies for managing pregnancy and the optimal scenario for breastfeeding for people living with HIV. Directed at nurses with experience working in HIV, this webinar focuses on the nurses’ role in providing care for people living with HIV who are pregnant or considering breastfeeding. TIMES 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (AEST) 7:00 pm to...
Ending the “silent suffering” of women with third and fourth degree perineal tears after childbirth
Croakey Professional Services, April 21, 2021 Third and fourth degree perineal tears are an uncommon but potentially devastating complication of vaginal childbirth. While not all such tears can be prevented, many can. When they do occur, early identification, surgical repair, and support are all key to recovery. With the release this month of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in...
Baby born with “avoidable” congenital syphilis: experts
InDaily, June 04, 2020 The recent birth of a child in South Australia with congenital syphilis, despite the mother being previously diagnosed and treated for the sexually transmitted infection, has prompted SA Health concern about the quality of the treatment. [A] public health alert [sent by SA Health] “reminds and advises health practitioners of their responsibilities” in managing syphilis...
Sexual health and its linkages to reproductive health: an operational approach
World Health Organization, 2017 Sexual health and reproductive health are closely linked, but crucial aspects of sexual health can be overlooked when grouped under or together with the domain of reproductive health. In order to create broader awareness of comprehensive sexual health interventions and to ensure that sexual health and reproductive health both receive full attention in programming...
Responding to Female Genital Mutilation as a women’s health issue (forum)
SHine SA, January 2017 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons (WHO). It is also sometimes referred to as female genital cutting or female circumcision. There are 83,000 women and girls who have been affected by FGM in Australia. FGM has no...