Australian Women’s Health Network Inc., 2019 The Australian Women’s Health Network first published its Women and Sexual and Reproductive Health Position Paper in 2012. Since then significant work has been undertaken across Australia in this area and a number of its recommendations have been implemented. This has resulted in a robust on going public conversation and a greater understanding of...
World Medical Association updates advice on medically indicated termination of pregnancy
Australian Medical Association, October 21, 2018 Revised advice to physicians on medically indicated termination of pregnancy has been issued by the World Medical Association. At its recent annual General Assembly in Reykjavik, the WMA reiterated that where the law allows medically indicated termination of pregnancy to be performed, the procedure should be carried out by a competent physician...
SHINE SA & 160 others call on Parliament to recognise the will of the Australian people
The Equality Campaign, December 2017 More than 160 LGBTI organisations, leaders and supporters – including SHINE SA – have signed a statement calling on the Australian Parliament to recognise the will of the people and ensure marriage equality is passed by the end of the year. “As organisations, leaders and supporters of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI)...
Push to dispel myths about long-lasting contraception
Guardian Australia, Tuesday 26 September 2017 11.21 AEST Misplaced concerns and myths about long-acting reversible contraceptives have prompted medical experts to release Australia’s first consensus statement, saying they are more reliable and effective than condoms or the pill. Despite their safety, efficacy and widespread use internationally, the uptake of long-acting reversible contraceptives...
People who use drugs require prioritisation not exclusion in efforts to eliminate Hepatitis C
6th International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users, 6th Sept 2017 An international conference bringing together hepatitis C experts from around the world is today calling for strategies to prioritise people who use drugs, saying hepatitis C elimination is impossible without them. “The number of people around the world dying from hepatitis C is increasing. We have the tools to...
Anchorage Statement: Indigenous Peoples and Viral Hepatitis
2nd World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Viral Hepatitis, August 2017 The Anchorage Statement is a statement on Indigenous Peoples and Viral Hepatitis, which was prepared by Indigenous peoples globally who attended the 2nd World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Viral Hepatitis held in Anchorage Alaska in August 2017. The Anchorage Statement sets out the aspirations of Indigenous peoples...