ASHM, June 2022 This free training aims to provide participants with the confidence to initiate conversations around hepatitis C in the needle and syringe program (NSP) setting. Frontline workers in NSP settings have a crucial and unique role to play in eliminating hepatitis C. Every day you’re talking to people who might be living with hepatitis C, and in these conversations you can support...
Gay Asian Proud (GAP) Forum: Dating Amidst COVID and Vaccines
Gay Asian Proud (GAP) & Thorne Harbour Health, October 2021 A free online forum on how COVID-19 and vaccination affect and change the way Asian same sex-attracted men date and form intimate relationships. About this event: Apart from triggering mental health concerns, COVID-19 has made a tremendous impact on the way we interact and socialise. The international move towards a vaccination...
Program & registrations for the 2021 Sexual Health + HIV&AIDS Conference
SiREN (WA Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network), August 2021 Standard registrations for the 2021 Sexual Health + HIV&AIDS Conferences close this Sunday, August 22! Joint Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences will once again be hosted in a virtual format between 6 to 9 September, following the success of last year’s inaugural virtual...
Webinar on Sexual Health Literacy and Cliteracy in Clinical Practice
Family Planning NT / Anatomical Education, June 2021 This update hosted by Family Planning is exciting interactive online professional development for GPs, nurses, midwives, doctors, physiotherapists, and psychosexual therapists with a clinical interest in reproductive and sexual health. The clinical update will focus on female sexual response and wellbeing with presentations, case studies and...
South Australian Launch of Writing Themselves in 4: Webinar Invite
SHINE SA, April 2021 This year one of the largest ever studies on the experiences of LGBTQA+ young people in Australia was released: Writing Themselves In 4. The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University asked 6,418 LGBTQA+ people aged 14 to 21 about their experiences with education, homelessness, harassment, assault, mental health, community...
Gender Adventure Workshops for Newly Identified Trans and Gender Diverse Young People
SHINE SA, April 2021 SHINE SA’s Gender Wellbeing Service presents GENDER ADVENTURE: Free Online Workshops for newly identified Trans and Gender Diverse Young People Who are these workshops for? People who are newly identified or out as trans and gender diverse, and who are also young people aged between 18 to 25. What will we cover? Exploring your own identity Self care and wellbeing Coming...