Sex education worldwide is not relevant to students’ lives, says report


Guardian, 13 September 2016 Sex education in schools worldwide is so “out of touch” with pupils’ experiences that they find it irrelevant and switch off, research of young people in 10 countries (including Australia) shows. Many students find lessons about sex and relationships negative, moralistic and too scientific to help them deal with the feelings and situations they are encountering...

London sexual health clinics step up their support for people buying PrEP online


nam/aidsmap, 29 January 2016 Several large sexual health clinics in London and Brighton have responded to the growing numbers of people importing PrEP medications from overseas by offering free safety monitoring to PrEP users. This is in a context of increasing frustration with the slowness of the official NHS process to approve PrEP – no decision will be made until June at the earliest. Read...

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