SHINE SA, October 2017 This dynamic 3-day course aims to update workers to include relationships and sexual health education and support in their work. On completion of the FRESH Course you will have:side • an increased level of confidence working with people in the area of sexual health and relationships • a better understanding of how values and beliefs may influence your practice in this area...
FACTS NOT FEAR: a free forum on undetectable viral load
SAMESH is pleased to invite you – community members, clinicians, sector workers, anyone who may be interested – to their community forum, FACTS NOT FEAR: A forum on undetectable viral load. Join our panel of experts and community members to discuss the latest science about undetectable viral load and its role in preventing onward transmission of HIV, and to hear personal perspectives...
Grindr, virtual reality and vlogging: new ways to talk about sexual health
The Guardian, July 21st, 2017 Almost half the world’s population is online and billions of young people use social media. So why doesn’t more sex education happen across these channels? The first Global Advisory Board for Sexual Health and Wellbeing brings together a group of individuals from across the world who are using innovative ways to reach more people with information about sex and...
Studies look at brain and cognitive changes in people with HIV as they age
nam/aidsmap, published: 14 March 2017 People with HIV often show persistent signs of cognitive impairment and abnormalities in brain structure despite suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART), but they do not appear to experience accelerated decline compared to HIV-negative people as they age, according to research presented at the 2017 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic...