High-risk behaviors and their association with awareness of HIV status among participants of a large-scale prevention intervention in Athens, Greece. Pavlopoulou, I.D., Dikalioti, S.K., Gountas, I. et al. BMC Public Health 20, 105 (2020). Abstract Background Aristotle was a seek-test-treat intervention during an outbreak of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among people who inject...
The SAMESH Hypothetical: Loose Talk in Public Places (free event)
SAMESH, 29/10/2019 The SAMESH Hypothetical brings together comedians, politicians, community members and other public figures for a night of wild and truly hypothetical musings on a range of topics that while completely outlandish are not too far from what we see in daily life. Our panellists will weave their way through a series of knotty issues...
Lastest Gay Community Periodic Survey for Adelaide released
Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, June 2019 Gay Community Periodic Survey: Adelaide 2018 Authors: Broady, T., Mao, L., Bavinton, B., Jeffries, D., Bartlett, S., Calabretto, H., Narciso, L., Prestage, G., & Holt. The Adelaide Gay Community Periodic Survey is a cross-sectional survey of gay and homosexually active men recruited at a range of gay community sites in Adelaide, and online...
Healthcare workers living with HIV have different motivations for disclosing/concealing their status
nam/aidsmap, 10 November 2017 Nurses and other healthcare workers who are living with HIV have mixed reactions when they mention their HIV status to colleagues, according to a small Dutch study reported in the November/December issue of the Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. Some healthcare workers disclosed because they expected a positive reaction or they felt the need to share...
HIV testing videos aimed at multicultural communities in SA
PEACE Multicultural Services, December 2016 Three new campaign videos have been made especially by and for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. They provide a positive spin on knowing your HIV status, whatever it may be. The theme is Get Tested, Get Treated, Live Longer. “Testing is the key to a healthy journey, and it is important for everyone to get tested...
Criminal laws on HIV transmission make little difference to sexual behaviour – or may make condomless sex more likely
nam, aidsmap 01 February 2016 A study comparing the sexual behaviour of American gay men living in states with or without laws that criminalise HIV transmission has found very little variation by state, suggesting that legislation has minimal impact on public health. Or the law may be counter-productive – men who believed they lived in a state which criminalised HIV transmission were slightly...