
First Queer Minds Matter workshop this Friday (free event)


Queer Minds Matter, August 2022 Queer Minds Matter is a unique program that runs mental health awareness sessions for LGBTIQA+ people. The project began last year when Emma O’Loughlin teamed up with Margie Fischer from Feast Queer Youth Drop In to run 3 sessions about BPD and mental health for the LGBTIQA+ community, with a small grant for Mental Health Awareness Month. They received...

A systematic review of the health and health care of rural sexual and gender minorities


Nic Giolla Easpaig B, Reynish TD, Hoang H, Bridgman H, Corvinus-Jones SL, Auckland S. A systematic review of the health and health care of rural sexual and gender minorities in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Rural Remote Health. 2022 Jul;22(3):6999. doi: 10.22605/RRH6999. Epub 2022 Jul 7. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and people with a diversity of sexual...

Free Information Sessions for Parents and Carers of Trans and Gender Diverse Young People


SHINE SA, August 2022 Families in Transition: Information Sessions (Face-to-Face and Online) for Parents and Carers of Trans and Gender Diverse Young People Who are these information sessions for? Parents and carers of trans, gender diverse, and questioning (TGD) young people between 12-25 years What will we cover? In a two-hour session, lived experience workers will discuss: • Gender and gender...

FAQs for: SHINE SA’s Gender Wellbeing Service, Gender Affirmation/Transition Pathways in SA, and more


SHINE SA, 2022 SHINE SA’s Gender Wellbeing Service is a free, confidential mental health service for people who are questioning their gender identity or identify as trans or gender diverse. (This service provides psychological therapies, peer support, general information and support within the metropolitan area of Adelaide. If you would like to see if you live or work within the Adelaide...

New fact sheet: Gender and Sexual Diversity 101


SHINE SA, June 2022 SHINE SA have recently put together a new Information Sheet: Gender and Sexual Diversity 101. This resource is for those who want to know more about gender diversity and sexual diversity. The fact sheet covers: What is gender diversity? Terms to get you started- Gender (including  gender identity, gender expression, and gender roles) Sex (including intersex people) Download...

Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of [adolescents] using a condom


McCarthy Molly, Kauer Sylvia, Fisher Christopher (2022) Descriptive norms about condom use predict odds of using a condom during last sexual experience in a large, national survey of adolescents from Australia. Sexual Health, online early, Abstract: Background: Reducing sexually transmitted infections among adolescents is an important public health goal in Australia and worldwide. This study...

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