ASHM, May 2024 Contraception Essentials: Navigating a Consultation is a video resource designed to support clinicians in their contraceptive consultations. The video guides clinicians to utilise ASHM’s Decision Making in Contraception: Consultation Essential resource to conduct patient-centred and evidence-based contraceptive consultations. Through the demonstration consultation, viewers will...
Multilingual resources on sexual & reproductive health
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH), July 2022 New and updated resources in translation, compiled by CEH. They cover sexual & reproductive health and related topics. Various languages. Links below. Contraception – your choices This translated fact sheet explains the available options for using a worry-free contraception that suits an individual as their best protection...
NEW Fact Sheet for Health Professionals – Contraception During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
SHINE SA, 15/4/2020 SHINE SA have released a new Fact Sheet for health professionals: Contraception During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Contraception is an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the provision of emergency contraception, access to long acting reversible contraception (LARC) and management of complications of LARC. Health professionals can continue to facilitate...
SHINE SA Media Release: 2 April 2020 Sexual and reproductive health must remain at the forefront of our minds during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is possible that throughout this crisis we may see a rise in unintended pregnancy as well as incidences of domestic violence, sexual violence and sexual coercion. Unfortunately this could come at a time where our health systems are focused on the...
Emergency contraception awareness in an at‐risk population
Hope, D. L., Hattingh, L. and King, M. A. (2019) J Pharm Pract Res. doi:10.1002/jppr.1554 Background Consumer awareness of emergency contraception is generally poor. School leavers (schoolies) engage in risky behaviours, including casual sex and alcohol and drug consumption. Aim The aim of this study was to explore the awareness of an at‐risk population of schoolies regarding the use and...
Clinical Education Forum Recording: Contraception Update
SHINE SA, November 2018 Clinicians: SHINE SA is pleased to present the following Clinical Forum by Dr Amy Moten on the topic of Contraception. This recording is available free of charge, and access is limited to three months only. This forum covers emergency contraception and new formulations of the Pill. 3 Category 2 RACGP Points can be awarded on completion of the forum. Recording length: 1...