
Disorders of penis development are on the rise and we’re not sure why


The Conversation, 15/02/2019 By Mark Green and Andrew Pask In prenatal ultrasounds or at delivery, many new parents look between their baby’s legs: the presence of a penis is taken as a strong sign that it’s a boy. For humans and other animals, development of a penis was thought to be driven by “male hormones” (androgens) produced entirely by the testes of the male fetus...

New Study Finds Abortion Restrictions Like Mandatory Waiting Periods, Counseling Don’t Work as Intended


rewire news, May 2, 2017
In a new study, researchers discovered that abortion restrictions like mandatory waiting periods and forced counseling often don’t affect a patient’s certainty about having an abortion. In some cases, such sessions even increase their confidence in their decision to have an abortion.

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Mystery of the female orgasm may be solved


Guardian, Monday 1 August 2016 14.15 AEST The purpose of the euphoric sensation of the female orgasm has long perplexed scientists, as it is not necessary for conception, and is often not experienced by women during sex itself. Now researchers in the US say they might have found its evolutionary roots. Human female orgasm, they say, might be a spin-off from our evolutionary past, when the...

Biological sex redefined


Nature, 18 February 2015
According to the simple scenario, the presence or absence of a Y chromosome is what counts: with it, you are male, and without it, you are female. But doctors have long known that some people straddle the boundary — their sex chromosomes say one thing, but their gonads (ovaries or testes) or sexual anatomy say another.
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