Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Release Date: 02 Sep 2019 This is the third report from an Australian-first project, combining screening, cancer, death, and HPV vaccination data to demonstrate the effects of screening and HPV vaccination on cervical cancer, precancerous abnormalities and cervical screening behaviour. Screen-detected cervical cancers were less likely to cause death...
Cervical Screening Update recording now available!
SHINE SA, August 2018 SHINE SA is proud to present our pilot Clinical Education Forum recording. This recording is available free of charge, and access is limited to three months only. Topic: Cervical Screening Update Presenters: Megan van Zanten & Dr Amy Moten The forum ensures your knowledge of the National Cervical Screening Renewed Guidelines is accurate and in line with best practice...
Changes to cervical screening in Australia, new guidelines
Cancer Screening, Australian Government, Page last updated: 01 March 2017 Based on new evidence and better technology, the National Cervical Screening Program will change from 1 December 2017 to improve early detection and save more lives. The Renewal of the National Cervical Screening Program will be implemented on 1 December 2017. Until the renewed National Cervical Screening Program is...
Five myths about the new cervical screening program that refuse to die
The Conversation, March 10, 2017 6.23am AEDT
The online petition against changes to Australia’s cervical cancer screening program has revealed more than 70,000 people (most of whom we could assume are women) are deeply concerned about what the upcoming changes mean.
Let’s have a look at some common misconceptions and concerns about changes to the cervical cancer screening program.
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HPV urine test could screen for cervical cancer
NHS Choices, Wednesday September 17 2014
Research found urine-based testing for HPV DNA showed signs it might be accurate enough to provide a viable screening method, given further research and development.
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Doctors fear NSW women abandoning Pap smears
Sydney Morning Herald, September 23, 2014 – 12:15AM
The state’s leading cancer body is concerned that as many as 10 per cent of women are putting themselves at risk of developing cervical cancer by skipping their regular Pap smear.
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