Dawson, Daniel; McDonough, Daniel; Reilly, Rachel; and Charles, James A. (2023) “Aboriginal Men’s Business: A Literature Review of Factors Affecting Aboriginal Men Accessing Sexual Health Services,” Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Vol. 4 : Iss. 2 , Article 6. DOI: Abstract: Introduction: Aboriginal men are relatively young, with a median age of 22 years, nearly...
CONNECTing at risk communities [in Adelaide] with HIV self testing
SAMESH, Wednesday 23 March 2022 Media Release: CONNECTing at risk communities with rapid HIV testing – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SAMESH, a partnership between SHINE SA and Thorne Harbour Health, has launched CONNECT – a pilot program evaluating the use of vending machines to dispense free Atomo HIV Self-Test (HST) kits to support rapid HIV testing and to strengthen pathways to treatment and...
Summary of results: Trans Pathways: the mental health experiences and care pathways of trans young people
Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, September 1, 2017 Trans Pathways is the largest study ever conducted of the mental health and care pathways of trans and gender diverse young people in Australia (859 participants). It is also the first Australian study to incorporate the views of parents and guardians of trans young people (194 participants). What did Trans Pathways tell us? Trans young people are...