Australian Associated Press, Wed 5 Jun 2019 09.04 AEST Damning new data about Australia’s rates of domestic and sexual violence reveal that one in six women experience abuse before they are 15 and one woman is killed by her partner every nine days. Based on national population surveys and set against a backdrop of declines in overall violence, rates of partner violence and sexual violence have...
Drug and alcohol report uncovers burden in regional Australia
ABC Central West, 15/03/2019 A report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has revealed alarming statistics about drug and alcohol use in regional Australia, and the difficulties faced by those seeking treatment. The report found a 41 per cent increase in drug-induced deaths in regional and remote areas in the decade to 2017, compared to a 16 per cent spike in major cities...
Australia’s health 2018 (Report)
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Release Date: 20 Jun 2018 Australia’s Health 2018 is the AIHW’s 16th biennial report on the health of Australians. It examines a wide range of contemporary topics in a series of analytical feature articles and short statistical snapshots. The report also summarises the performance of the health system against an agreed set of indicators...
Healthy Communities: HPV immunisation rates in 2014–15
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2017 Immunisation against the highly contagious human papillomavirus (HPV) can prevent cervical and other cancers, and other HPV-related diseases. The National HPV Vaccination Program has been immunising adolescent girls since 2007 and was extended to boys in 2013. This third Healthy Communities report on HPV immunisation shows the percentage of girls...
Domestic violence leading cause of hospitalised assault among girls and women in Australia
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), 19 April 2017 Nearly 6,500 women and girls were hospitalised due to assault in Australia in 2013–14, with the violence usually perpetrated by a partner or spouse, according to new analysis from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The data, available as part of a new series of fact sheets on selected injuries, shows that over...
Alcohol and other drug treatment services – Key findings in 2014–15
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016 Key findings in 2014–15: Agencies A total of 843 publicly-funded alcohol and other drug treatment agencies provided services to clients seeking treatment and support for alcohol and other drug problems, an increase of 27% over the 5-year period to 2014–15. Clients Around 115,000 clients received just over 170,000 treatment episodes from alcohol and...