Tagadministrative staff

Report: Submissions re Draft Legislation To Protect The Rights Of Intersex People In Medical Settings


Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate  (ACT), August 2022 Consultation on the draft Variations in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2022 closed on Friday 8 July. A Listening Report has been prepared summarising the input provided by stakeholders during the consultation. This report is intended to provide transparency regarding the range of views and...

Suicide prevention in LGBTQA+ young people: Best practice guidelines


Suicide prevention in LGBTQA+ young people: Best practice guidelines for clinical and community service providers Telethon Kids Institute (Perth), 5th August 2022 These guidelines are intended to improve insight into the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning, asexual (and those of other diverse sexualities and genders; LGBTQA+) young people. They were designed to aid...

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