Tagprogesterone-only injectables (POIs)

New study on use of combined and progestogen-only hormonal contraception and breast cancer risk


Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, Royal College of the Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK), 22 March 2023 FSRH response to new study on use of combined and progestogen-only hormonal contraception and breast cancer risk: A new observational study by Fitzpatrick, et al., published in PLOS Medicine investigated the association between current or recent use of combined oral and...

Withdrawing Depo-Provera contraceptives would result in more lives lost than HIV infections prevented


aidsmap / nam,  11 January 2018 Even if Depo-Provera and other contraceptive injections raise the risk of HIV infection, withdrawing them from use in African countries would greatly increase maternal mortality, a modelling study has shown. The loss of life due to pregnancy complications and unsafe abortions would far outweigh the number of HIV infections prevented, according to the study...

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