
Casual Sex: Everyone Is Doing It


New Yorker, June 25, 2016 Zhana Vrangalova has spent the past decade researching human sexuality, and, in particular, the kinds of sexual encounters that occur outside the norms of committed relationships. The Web site she started in 2014 began as a small endeavor fuelled by personal referrals, but has since grown to approximately five thousand visitors a day, most of whom arrive at the site...

Study reveals complexity of gay men’s relationships


The Kirby Institute, 11 November 2015. Results of a national survey of gay men’s relationships suggest that their partnerships are highly varied and far more complex than just whether they are monogamous or not. Released today by the Kirby Institute at UNSW, the study examined how gay and bisexual men think about and conduct both romantic and sexual relationships. Read more of the press release...

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