
Serving up inequality: How sex and gender impact women’s relationship with food


Women’s Health Victoria, September 2017 This issues paper explores various aspects of women’s health relating to food. These include the impacts of nutritional deficiency, the links between nutrition and chronic disease and women’s food-related behaviours. Gender itself is a key structural determinant of women’s health and inequality, playing out in women’s roles in relation to food, in...

Screening for bone fracture risk should be routine for over-40s with HIV, new guidelines recommend


Published: 02 February 2015 Screening for fracture risk should be a routine part of HIV care for all over-40s, and all postmenopausal women, all men over 50 and people at high risk for fractures of any age should undergo DEXA screening to assess bone mineral density and their need for treatment, experts on bone disorders recommend in new guidelines published online in the journal Clinical...

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