
Know your chances of contracting an STI


British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Canada A common question people have is “What are my chances of getting an STI?”  While there is no simple answer, the charts below give an estimate of your chances, when your partner has that sexually transmitted infection (STI). These charts are based on research where possible, and have been reviewed by STI experts in British Columbia.  These charts...

Sex and Disability on SBS Insight next week


SBS Insight Airdate: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 20:30 Channel: SBS Imagine: you’ve been married to your partner for 25  years. You live with them, love them, are sexually attracted to them, but physical intimacy? Almost impossible. This is the reality for David and Jenni Heckendorf, who both have profound cerebral palsy that greatly limits their mobility. In order to have sex, they must use the...

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